縮寫自 escape,逃跑,goat,羊。來自聖經中的宗教典故,古猶太人將每年的七月十日定為“贖 罪日”,並在這一天舉行贖罪祭。其中通過拈鬮決定兩隻公羊的命運,一隻殺了作祭品,另 一隻由大祭司將雙手按在羊頭上,宣稱猶太民族在一年中所犯下的罪過,已經轉嫁到到這頭 羊身上。接著,使把這頭替罪羊放逐到曠野,即將人的罪過帶入無人之境,最後,把那贖罪 的羊燒死,因而引申詞義替罪羊。見百度百科。
Azazel is an active participle or participial noun, derived ultimately from azal (connected with the Arabic word azala, and meaning removed), but immediately from the reduplicate form of that verb, azazal. The reduplication of the consonants of the root in Hebrew and Arabic gives the force of repetition, so that while azal means removed, azalzal means removed by a repetition of acts. Azalzel or azazel, therefore, means one who removes by a series of acts. ... The interpretation is founded on sound etymological grounds, it suits the context wherever the word occurs, it is consistent with the remaining ceremonial of the Day of Atonement, and it accords with the otherwise known religious beliefs and symbolical practices of the Israelites. [Rev. F. Meyrick, "Leviticus," London, 1882]Meaning "one who is blamed or punished for the mistakes or sins of others" first recorded 1824; the verb is attested from 1943. Related: Scapegoated; scapegoating. For the formation, compare scapegrace, also scape-gallows "one who deserves hanging."