1998, short for weblog (which is attested from 1994, though not in the sense "online journal"), from (World Wide) Web + log. Joe Bloggs (c. 1969) was British slang for "any hypothetical person" (compare U.S. equivalent Joe Blow); earlier blog meant "a servant boy" in one of the college houses (c. 1860, see Partridge, who describes this use as a "perversion of bloke"), and, as a verb, "to defeat" in schoolboy slang. The Blogger online publishing service was launched in 1999.
1. I shall however , announce this blog in my fans'sites.
2. Does Blog Design Matter in an Age of Feed Readers?
Feed充斥的年代blog設計還重要 嗎 ?
3. His new wave BLOG inside, the topic much relate to train.